How We Rate
Searching for a mattress can be tiresome. We have recognized the need to have a one-stop harbor for all sleep-related information. As a result, we decided to launch Anatomy of Sleep to help you make an up-to-date decision with transparent data and updates regarding mattresses and the sleep industry.

How We Write?
Reviews we write are aggregated from hundreds of sources across the Internet. We do so by coming across many reviews, of which some are sugarcoated and written by agents. Our focus lies only on trustworthy and accurate content, later formulated in reviews and manually written lists. All content is human-made, and no AI writing tools scrape existing texts or make content just for publishing.
By launching Anatomy of Sleep, we have become experts in mattress knowledge. Still, we learn every day and update all our content accordingly. Sometimes, we focus on medical themes relating to sleep, but we are not doctors. If you do have a medical condition, be sure to consult your doctor.
Before anything is published, all information is double-checked for accuracy and convenience. We’re talking about a comprehensive and detail-oriented team here. That is how we plan on staying throughout the whole journey.
How We Make Money?
Our site is free to use and always will be, but we do affiliate marketing from some bedding manufacturers to keep Anatomy of Sleep up and running. In brief, if you buy a product through the links we provide, we make a small commission. Yet, there will never be additional costs for the customer for using our site or links. Our mattress reviews are honest and unbiased, and some links on those will be affiliates, but we will always state our opinions clearly. That is why you will notice that the mattresses aren’t always of the highest rating, because we don’t need to please any brand.
To maintain transparency, here’s a list of all brands that support our work by providing affiliate links:
What We Do?
On Anatomy of Sleep, you can find:
- Mattress & bedding product reviews
- Mattress comparisons
- Our lists for Best mattress categories
- Affiliate coupons with mattress brands
We want to help you, the buyer, have a clear view and decide with no hesitation, worry, or second thoughts. Hence, we put a lot of effort into making your experience of our site as fun, beneficial, and enjoyable as possible by providing reliable, trustworthy, and unbiased information about mattresses, sleep, and sleep-related products and topics.
We go with honesty, practicality, and personality through the world, so everything you read comes from our team only to improve your quality of life.